Monday, August 10, 2009

so its been way too long again...

Oh my gosh I can't believe its been so long since I've updated this! I have a TON of pics to show you all but I don't want to overload you so I just added a bunch & will had more another day.

Most of the pics are from our recent trip to MT.

This was how Aidyn was playing video games at the hotel

My brother Jared with his daughter Haley

with his daughter Abbie

brother Joseph

We went to Seeley Lake & this deer was right by the main road on the way out

Aidyn & my niece Autumn (she's Jesse's daughter) making a sand castle

my brother Terry teaching Madi how to fish

another fishing shot

Paul & I

just a pretty shot of the lake

some pretty little flowers

Autumn collecting firewood

Terry & I


Autumn trying to warm up after swimming

Madi trying to warm up

This was the view from the picnic table we had to the lake. It was so peaceful

Madi & Aidyn in the lake



the kids swimming. Notice how Aidyn is trying to keep his cast arm out of the water lol

Madi on one of the trails
Aidyn with his cast all wrapped up

Aidyn at my dad's house
Madi, Autumn & Aidyn at my dad's house

Autumn & Aidyn

Madi seeing what's on tv

silly picture of Madi & I
Aidyn trying to stay warm at the yard sale we had on Saturday

Aidyn at the dr getting his hard cast on
Aidyn with the soft case. This was the day he broke it


Karalee said...

I almost didn't recognize Jared. He looks like such a hippie lol. cute kids though :)

Stormie said...

Yeah he is a big hippie now & guess what he smells just as good as he looks LOL